
«VIDVAZHNI» is a retrospective show of the revolution clothes dedicated to the Day of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes.



The «VIDVAZHNI» project was presented on February the 20th 2016 at the Ukrainian House in Kiev and it was dedicated to the Day of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes.

It was the initiative of the Museum of Revolution of Dignity, supported by the Ukrainian Institute of Fashion History and the Ukrainian institute of national memory.

A show of the revolution clothing of the Ukrainians of the XX–XXI centuries was a part of the project. About 30 looks of the revolutionaries were chosen from the private collections and from the collections of the historical military clubs. The majority of the clothes is authentic, the rest was reconstructed by the researches and the renovators.

The dynamic impressive show was a symbol of the basic human values as dignity, mutual support, patriotism and the experience of the previous generations. It also symbolized the main traits of the Maidan heroes such as heroism, unity of the people through time, unity of the generations and people from different social groups, public reaction and the choice of each person under the conditions of the revolution. The project also commemorates the lost heroes.

Project director

Igor Poshyvaylo

Project curator

Marichka Kvitka

Academic consultant

Lyudmila Sivtseva-Klimuk


Bogdan Poshivaylo


NCDKC “Ukrainian House”, NGO “Maidan Museum”


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

National Center of Folk Culture “Ivan Honchar Museum”

National historical military museum of Ukraine

Maidam Museum / Museum of Liberty

“Povstanets” historical military club

NGO “Creative union of the renovators of the traditional folk crafts”